The 3 most important tax dates for US expats in 2020 are the same as in 2019.

This means that expats that owe any US tax for 2019 must pay by April 15th 2020. All expats receive an automatic extension until June 15th to file their federal return. Expats who need more time can apply for a further extension until October 15th by filing Form 4868 online.

The FinCEN foreign account (FBAR) reporting deadline is also relevant for many expats who have foreign bank or investment accounts. The FBAR deadline remains unchanged for 2020, as October 15th. Most expats choose to file their FBAR at the same time as their federal tax return.

April 15th

Tax Day is still Tax Day for expats, and any tax owed to the IRS must be paid by April 15th following the year the tax relates to.

From 2017, FinCEN form 114, otherwise known as the Foreign Bank Account Report, or FBAR, is also due on April 15th, though an extension is available until October 15th.

June 15th

Americans living abroad on April 15th get an automatic tax return filing extension until June 15th. If you have more than $50 thousand in foreign financial assets, you’ll also need to fill in and attach form 8938 to your return. This is required under the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, or FATCA.

October 15th

If you are struggling to file your return by June 15th, you can request a further extension online to October 15th . This is the final filing date before you’ll start incurring penalties. FBARs are also due by this date.

Let us help

We are specialists in making the filing process quick, smooth, and stress free, all for a fixed flat fee. If you require any assistance with regard to your US/UK Tax affairs, please call Rachel Finch, Director, on 01275 867350. Alternatively, you can send a message to the team now.