Moving to the UK

Moving to the UK

Planning a move to the UK?

Our specialist tax advisors are here to help you navigate the complexities of tax planning, ensuring you minimise your tax liabilities and enjoy a smooth transition.

flags of UK and EU combined over icons of London - Brexit concept

Our core areas of expertise

Income and Capital Gains Taxation

While living in the UK, your income and capital gains will be subject to local taxation. Understanding the intricacies of the UK tax system, including applicable rates, allowances, and deductions, is essential. Our experts are here to help you navigate these complexities and optimise your financial outcomes.

Assessing Tax Residence and Domicile Status

We will evaluate your tax residence and domicile status to understand the impact on your UK and international income and gains. This thorough analysis allows us to identify the most beneficial tax strategies tailored to your situation.

Foreign Earned Income Exclusion

If you meet specific residency requirements based on your time abroad, you may be eligible to exclude your wages from US tax calculations. Our specialists will explore all available options to minimise your tax liabilities effectively.

US/UK Tax Treaty Benefits

We will help you leverage the tax treaties between the UK and the US to your advantage. Our team will review relevant treaties and advise you on structuring your affairs to benefit from available tax reliefs or exemptions.

UK Tax Authorities Registration

Our team will guide you through the registration process with the relevant UK tax authorities, ensuring you meet all necessary obligations and deadlines seamlessly.

Foreign Tax Credit

For US citizens working in the UK, claiming a tax credit for income taxes paid to a foreign government can be highly advantageous, especially given the higher tax rates. We will assist you in maximising these credits.

HMRC Departure Forms and Non-Residence Claims

When it’s time to leave the UK, we will support you in filing the necessary HMRC departure forms and making non-residence claims. Our experienced tax consultants will ensure a smooth process, keeping you fully compliant with UK tax regulations.

How we can help

We understand the importance of early tax planning to ensure compliance and optimise your tax position. Our services are tailored to meet the specific needs of:

  • Individuals moving to or from the UK
  • Overseas nationals residing in the UK short or long-term
  • Non-UK domiciles
  • Individuals with business interests in the US
  • High-net-worth individuals
  • Sports professionals, athletes, actors, and entertainers performing in the UK and overseas

Understanding US Tax Obligations Abroad

Living and working outside the United States can trigger unique tax laws and regulations. Depending on your situation, you may be able to offset some or all of your US tax obligations. However, it’s crucial to remember that US tax responsibilities are tied to your citizenship, not your location. This means that as a US expat, you must fulfill your US tax-filing obligations, no matter how long you’ve been in the UK or your employment status.

Even short-term assignments in the UK can impact your US taxes. Any income earned during such assignments must be reported on your US tax returns. The more financial ties you establish in the UK, the more intricate your tax considerations become.

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