Exit Planning

Exit Planning

What is exit planning?

Exit planning is vital for business owners, requiring careful thought on how to leave the business while maximising value and ensuring a seamless transition.

This process centres on an exit strategy, which serves as a roadmap for ending your involvement in the business. It involves preparing the business for sale or a change in ownership. A well-crafted exit strategy can not only boost the business’s sale price, but also ensure its ongoing success under new management.


Types of Business Exit Strategies

Here are some common exit strategies that business owners consider:

  1. Selling to a Partner or Investor:
    • If you have co-owners, you can sell your share to a partner or fellow investor. This friendly buyer is often someone you trust, which can lead to minimal disruption in business operations.
    • Pros: Continuity in business operations, familiarity with the buyer.
    • Cons: Convincing a partner to acquire your share can be challenging.
  2. Family Succession:
    • Passing the business down to a family member is a common exit strategy. It ensures continuity and often aligns with family values.
    • Pros: Legacy preservation, smoother transition.
    • Cons: Family dynamics can be complex, and not all family members may be interested or qualified.
  3. Employee Succession (MBOs and EBOs):
    • Selling the business to existing managers or employees who are familiar with its operations.
    • Pros: Continuity, commitment from insiders.
    • Cons: Financing the buyout can be challenging.
  4. Liquidation and Bankruptcy:
    • In unfortunate situations, liquidation or bankruptcy may be the only viable exit strategy. We work with various insolvency practitioners and will provide warm introductions if this is the only option for you.
    • Pros: Closure and resolution.
    • Cons: Financial losses.

How we can help

We will work with you to understand the drivers behind your motivation for exit planning.

We tend to work with family businesses that are looking to pass the business on to the next generation (family succession), or small companies where a management team has been or can be put in place (employee succession).

We can guide you through the process from start to finish and will work with the incoming parties to ensure a smooth and efficient handover.

Our framework

  • Valuation Services:
    • We assist business owners in estimating the current and potential value of their business using various tax-based valuation methods (not a commercial valuation).
  • Exit Planning Workshops:
    • We host workshops to educate business owners about exit planning.
    • We cover topics like tax implications & legal considerations to help you with your decision making process.
  • Legal Guidance:
    • We work with your legal advisers to ensure that the paperwork meets your objectives from a tax perspective.
  • Successor Training:
    • We work with the next generation of business owners to create a smooth transition plan, whether it’s passing the business to family members or grooming internal successors.


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